If your baby always wants to be with you, but working out is still a priority for you, give this workout a try...;-)) Do 3-6 rounds with 40sec rest between rounds. Enjoy!
This is some great exercises if you have any back pain... BEWARE IF YOU ARE PREGNANT, as exercises facing up might be quite hard and uncomfortable. Regarding the first one, Supine Lateral Ball Roll: keep your shoulders and hips aligned and parallel to the floor. Spine aligned.

You can do many things with just a Swiss Ball in your living room. Have a try and let me know if you have any questions!

Great fun with this home Swiss ball workout. Ask me if you have any questions!

Have a tiny space at home? A bench or a chair? Ready, go!
Pair of dumbbells or water bottles? Ready, go!

Not just for pregnant people! Have fun with this workout that will help you stabilize and strengthen your upper body.

This is NOT ONLY FOR PREGNANT persons!! Great full body workout, do 3-6 rounds with 45sec pause in between each round. Check my blog for even more fitness, health and food videos and articles! www.stephcuesta.com
Awesome for all busy people who don't have time to go to the gym!! Repeat 3-6 times with 40sec rest inbetween. Also great for postpartum recovery 👍👍👍
Not just for pregnant people! Do 3-6 rounds with 45sec rest between rounds. FORM IS KEY so please, ask me if you have questions. Enjoy!
Do 3-6 rounds of this workout with 40sec rest between each round. Choose a weight that challenges you but with which you can keep a good form all the way. Enjoy!!
Activate your glutes with this efficient home workout

Grab your Swiss ball and have fun with this very effective home workout

No need to go to the gym to activate those legs muscles...
Being pregnant doesn't mean you can't stay fit! This is a workout for anyone, at the gym or at home. Amazing conditioning for the back, shoulders, arms, core, glutes and legs... Try it out!
Forget about the gym, have a Swissball and learn how to play with it in an efficient way 👍Ask me for any question, your form is key
It would s essential to strengthen the Upper Body as much as the Lower Body... I am talking to women here especially :-) Do 3-6 rounds with 30sec pause between rounds. Good for pregnant people if they are all cleared by their health practitioners. Enjoy!
NOT ONLY FOR PREGNANT PEOPLE who have been cleared by their health practitioners! If you are a beginner, start with low weight and have your form checked by a pro. Do 3-6 rounds of 10-12 reps of each exercise. 40sec rest between rounds. ENJOY!! See more on www.stephcuesta.com

Strengthen your core with this functional home workout!

Take your Swiss ball and activate those core muscles with this home workout
This is easy to do anywhere...check it out
Pair of dumbbells? Or just 2 bottles of water? Then you are ready for this great efficient workout, at home or at the gym. Do 3-6 rounds with 45sec rest in-between. Ask me for any questions! Visit www.stephcuesta.com
If you are pregnant, please check with your health practitioner before doing any type of exercise! This workout is great for everyone, from the fittest to the new beginners. Start with low or no weight, and improve as long as you can keep a perfect form!