health tips 2

Conventional milk, pasteurization - not the healthy foods you thought

Conventional milk, pasteurization - not the healthy foods you thought

If you still think that you need dairy for healthy bones and nutrition, please read this

Short video: DIET SODA or Aspartame and other Sweeteners make you FAT and TOXIC

Short video: DIET SODA or Aspartame and other Sweeteners make you FAT and TOXIC

If Diet sodas are still your choice.... read this

Pregnancy: my journey so far, well into 3rd trimester

Pregnancy: my journey so far, well into 3rd trimester

My pregnancy so far.... When child birth is just around the corner

Short video: SALT - actually your VITAL FRIEND

Short video: SALT - actually your VITAL FRIEND

Do you still think that salt is bad for you? Or maybe you are still using common white table salt? Watch this video and be open to some surprises...

Short Video: FATS that are GOOD and CRUCIAL for you

Short Video: FATS that are GOOD and CRUCIAL for you

If you still think that eating low-fat foods is the solution to health and weight loss, check this video and let yourself be surprised...

How a low-fat or “light” diet makes you fat

How a low-fat or “light” diet makes you fat

Low-fat diets make you...... fat and sick. Forget about the harmful and non-working low-fat low-calorie mentality

How I fight off any cold or flu infection

How I fight off any cold or flu infection

From a chronically sick person to a never sick with no-medication person... Read my tips here

Weight Loss: my unexpected tips

Weight Loss: my unexpected tips

You might not see the correlation between those tips and weight loss, but I advise you to give them a try....